The machines are paired according to such qualities as size/profile, kind of gesture or likeness of sound. The toys are chosen for the particular gesture/sound and the machine construction. Each one is stripped down to the noise maker and basic mechanical parts. Each toy has an in-line switch viewers are invited to operate.
See also: In Stereo, Blue Moon
Exhibition History:
2005 The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery (Toronto, Canada); 2003 Zabriskie Gallery (New York, USA); 2002 Neutral Ground (Regina, Canada); 2002 L’Oeil De Poisson (Quebec City, Canada); 2002 Museo di San Domenico (Imola, Italy); 2001 The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery (Toronto, Canada); 1999 The Nunnery (London, England); 1998 Owens Art Gallery (Sackville, Canada); 1998 Cold City Gallery (Toronto, Canada); 1997 Galerie Christiane Chassay (Montreal, Canada)